We have made the reservation process extremely simple. Call us at 304-761-6989 to discuss your tour options. We will email you the details for your records along with a secure payment link. Once you’ve committed to the itinerary all you have to do is to pay a deposit within 24 hours of receipt of the email. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call or email before paying the deposit. After receiving the deposit a member of our team will contact you to go through the next steps with you. This can be done either via email, or via phone/video call, whatever is more convenient for you.

We require a the deposit at the time of reservation. The remaining balance will have to be paid within 60 days from the date of the departure.

As mentioned, after your initial reservation, a member of our team will contact you within 24hours, to set up a follow up to go through the next steps with you.

This step is very important for us, and we see it as an integral part of the quality of the service we strive to provide. This initial contact with you will allow us to build a custom tour that we trust will greatly maximize your adventure!. Among other things, we will enquire:

About your dietary requirements or food allergies.

Your riding experience and the motorcycle you will be joining us with as certain tours are more challenging than others and/or may require a specific motorcycle.

Any special travel arrangements that we may be able to facilitate or offer for you or your motorcycle.

Any special needs (medical or others) that you might have.

Camping can be an awesome experience with the correct gear. We can definitely make gear recommendations as well rent gear. Packing light is as important as packing the right gear. We recommend gear that is reasonably priced and as light as possible without sacrificing quality or durability. This will be discussed during your initial contact to discuss your custom tour as well as in the period leading up to your adventure. You’ll have fun!

We offer enclosed transport to and from our location and secure storage until your arrival. If you’d like to arrange your own transport we can accept it and your gear and hold it until You arrive as well as arrange pick up after your tour is completed.


Motorcycle touring is, by nature, the perfect social distancing form of travelling. Our tours involve activities that are carried out mostly, if not exclusively, outdoors. Having said that, Our team leaders are actively monitoring the incidence of COVID-19 in our regions of operation. We are following guidance from local health departments and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and minimize risks for our guests.

Motorcycle Adventures of West Virginia assumes that any riders booking one of our tours is aware of the ongoing situation with COVID-19. All our staff is taking this disease seriously, and we expect you to do the same. If a member of our staff has any symptoms, he/she will have to provide a COVID-19 negative result 48 hours before the beginning of a tour. It is your individual responsibility to follow all local rules and regulations, including those concerning face coverings.

We ask that riders take care of themselves throughout the tour, and monitor their own health. If at any point during the tour you start developing symptoms of COVID-19 (or anything else, really), we request and expect that you let your guides know as soon as possible so that we may better help you attend to your condition as soon as possible. Also, if you are not comfortable with sharing a room or a tent with a fellow traveler, you can book as a single occupant at an extra cost.

Again, please let us know any concerns you may have about possible exposure to COVID 19 and we will be glad to address them to make your adventure as safe as humanly possible!

We make it as flexible as possible in terms of cancellations and refunds.

We will refund you 100% of your money if you cancel your booking up to 60 days before the beginning of the tour.

We will refund you 50% of your money if you cancel your tour between 60 and 30 days prior to the beginning of the tour for any reason other than a qualified COVID-19 reason (see below).

If you cancel within less than 30 days for any reason excluding a qualified COVID-19 reason (see below), you will not be refunded.

Please note that we also retain the right to cancel any tour, for any reason, up to two weeks ahead of departure. In this case, we will refund you 100% of your money and offer rebooking on alternative dates, where applicable.


Given the COVID-19 situation, we understand that it is important for you to be able to cancel your tour at the last minute, should the need arise. This is why we have created the exception below to our cancellation policy. This special exception ONLY applies if:

You have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and you are able to show a positive COVID-19 test result with your cancellation.

A travel ban adopted at Federal or State level prevents you from physically arriving at the starting point for the tour. Please note: it is still possible certain States or cities may request you to provide a negative COVID-19 test before being able to travel there, regardless of symptoms: this does NOT count as a travel ban.

If you are canceling one of our tours due to a qualified COVID-19 reason (as described above) up to 30 days before the date of departure, you will not lose any funds that you’ve paid towards your tour. All your funds will be kept on file as a credit to use against one of our future tours, subject to availability.

If you are unable to attend a tour due to a qualified COVID-19 reason and you are within 30 days from the start of your tour you will be subject to a cancellation fee of up to $1,500 to be deducted from your funds. Please understand: organizing the logistics, equipment, lodgings, and crew for your tour began many months ago and we have already committed to many logistical arrangements that are now non-refundable. We are happy to bear the brunt of the costs for your COVID-19 cancellation, for the sake of your safety and that of the other participants.

All funds remaining after any cancellation fee will be held on file as a credit eligible to be used for other Motorcycle Adventures of West Virginia tours or services, subject to availability. Your credit will expire 18 months from the date of your cancellation. If you are unable to complete that future tour or rental, your credit will be subject to the applicable cancellation policy at that time.

COVID-19 cancellations should be made in writing to Paul@MotorcycleAdventuresWV.com at your earliest knowledge of your need to cancel. The earlier we are made aware of your situation, the more time we have to recoup the costs and make sure that everybody is happy.

When you ride by yourself, you are 100% responsible for 100% of your safety 100% of the times. However, when you ride with Motorcycle Adventures of West Virginia, we take extra care to make sure that all our tours are enjoyable and are safe for everyone. This means that all riders will be required to wear AT LEAST the following ALL THE TIME while riding:

a DOT certified helmet (better if full faced, but we leave this choice up to you)

Long pants on all tours and long sleeved jacket if adventure or dual sport tours (better if with certified protections)

Sturdy boots or shoes that cover your ankles - no riding in sneakers with us.

If on adventure or dual sport tours You will need gloves. Your hands need to be protected.

We are serious about riders’ safety. We will not let you ride with us if you don’t have proper gear. Once you register for one of our tours, we will send you information on the gear we suggest you take, which will depend on the time of the year and the type of tour.

Motorcycle Adventures of West Virginia and any of its agents or subcontractors reserves the right to cancel a guest’s participation at any point in a tour if the guest is disruptive or putting themselves or others in harm’s way. No refund or credit will be issued in this case. Our aim is to get all guests home safely so they can enjoy the next adventure!


Our objective is to provide our guests with the best possible riding experience and adventure! However, we cannot guarantee that we will not have to make sudden changes to our itineraries: a road may get closed or become unsafe due to weather conditions; roadwork may cause disruptive delays; an emergency of any kind may require us to take a different route.

West Virginia is a big state. We may have to move the pre planned route to a different part of the state that may not be experiencing severe weather. We also can may reschedule if needed when there’s weather that prevents safe riding.

Motorcycle Adventures of West Virginia, LLC (“Us”, “Our”, “We”) will keep all personal information provided by clients and subscribers to our email or future newsletters completely confidential. We do not and will never sell or otherwise provide that information to third parties. In the event you no longer want to continue to receive emails from us, simply click the Unsubscribe button near the end of any of our emails, or simply contact us at Paul@MotorcycleAdventuresWV.com.